Sunday, January 18, 2009

snuggie dude

yeah, he's rockin' the snuggie for Obama.

snuggie dude

nothing says livin' large like a man with a snuggie.

snuggie dude

A girl getting her picture made with the snuggie dude.

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  • Dude, this goes down as one of the ultimate uncool moments/things turned into something kewl. We've seen on the scene unknowns such as Mr. Huang, the American Idol singer so bad he got his 15 minutes of fame and actually went on tour. We've seen celebrities turning the uncool into kewl such as rapper Jay-Z's (Beyonce's husband for you ultimate uncool and oldsters like me mostly out of it) now trademarked "nerd" glasses. Now we have C & K, bringing to the world "Snuggie Man" ACTUALLY rocking a Snuggie on the mall during Obama's inauguration celebration ... totally kewl! LOL, I envision a comic book superhero based on this with an accompanying movie and action figure in a mall near you soon. GREAT JOB KIDS! Luv Dad

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:44 AM, January 19, 2009  

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